Culture Night at the Representation of the Faroe Islands

Túngata 14, 101 Reykjavík

Sendistofa Færeyja
20, ágúst 2022 - 19, ágúst 2023 (sjá dagatal fyrir aðrar dagsetningar)
Opið frá: 14.00 - 16.00

Aðgangseyrir Sjá á opinberri vefsíðu

The Representation of the Faroe Islands invites you to celebrate Culture Night with us from 14.00 to 16.00. Mayor of Tórshavn, Heðin Mortensen, gives the opening speech. Faroese specialties and Faroese beverages from Føroya Bjór will be served . Faroese singer/songwriter Herborg Torkilsdóttir will perform and Listagluggin Art Gallery will have an art exhibition.
The Representation also hosts an afternoon concert in Kaldalón Harpa.

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