Rafstöðvarvegur 7, 110 Reykjavík

Hitt Húsið, miðstöð ungs fólks
07, nóvember 2021
Opið frá: 16.00 - 18.00

Vefsíða //
Aðgangseyrir Sjá á opinberri vefsíðu

Students in the FB sculpture course show the results of their approach to nature, LandArt. The works are made in the immediate vicinity of the school and the works stretch to the outskirts of Breiðholt. The exhibition is open until 30/11.

The exhibition is part of Unglist, The Young People´s Art Festival who is a platform for young artists, writers, musicians, dancers, designers, in short for all young creative people in Iceland´s capital. It is a festival of innovation and diversity and you are invited and all the events are free of charge!

Svipaðir viðburðir

Reykjavík ... the story continues│ Aðalstræti 10
J.S. Bach á þriðjudagskvöldum 20:00 - 20:30
