Storytelling Café | The Icelandic Potato, Helgan or „The Helga“.

Úlfarsbraut 118, 113 Reykjavík

Borgarbókasafnið I Menningarhús Úlfarsárdal
08, desember 2021
Opið frá: 20.00 - 22.00

Aðgangseyrir Sjá á opinberri vefsíðu

The performing arts group CGFC did an enormous amount of research for a documentary about the potato, but this year it is 280 years since the first potato was planted into Icelandic soil. In the process, the entrepreneur Helga Gísladóttir from Unnarholtskot finally received recognition, but she cultivated a new variety of potatoes (Helgan or „the Helga“) which received recognition as a premium potato, the only one of the three types of potatoes found in Iceland.

The event is in Icelandic but everyone is welcome!

Further information:…

Unnar Geir Unnarsson, manager:

Stella Sif Jónsdóttir, specialist - events and educational programs:

Svipaðir viðburðir

Reykjavík ... the story continues│ Aðalstræti 10
J.S. Bach á þriðjudagskvöldum 20:00 - 20:30
