Evening Walks | Un poema andante | In Spanish

Tryggvagata 15, 101 Reykjavík

Borgarbókasafnið Grófinni
01, júlí 2021
Opið frá: 20.00 - 21.30

Vefsíða https://borgarbokasafn.is/vidburdir/bokmenntir/kvoldganga-spaensku-un-poema-andante
Aðgangseyrir Sjá á opinberri vefsíðu

Let’s share a summer evening wandering the streets of Reykjavík and pondering about our life in this city through the lens of poetry. Reykjavík has always been a place of inspiration and awe, where noble wild birds have found a place to thrive. “Ljóð í leiðinni” (Meðgönguljóð) is an anthology of poetry made by local poets in 2013, about their relationship with the city and how she has shaped their dreams. Our guide, Juan Camilo, is a poet born in Colombia who has been roaming Iceland since 2007. He will take us on a walk across Reykjavík reading some of the poems of this book along with his own Spanish translations, sharing his own impressions of our Smoky bay. Together we can write a poem made of steps, connecting with the spirit of poetry in this legendary land of ice.
Evening walks are a series of events organized by Reykjavík City Library, Reykjavík City Museum and Reykjavík Art Museum. The walks take place on Thursday evenings during the summer months. They start at 20h00 from Borgarbókasafn Grófin, Tryggvagata 15, unless otherwise stated.

Participation is free. We kindly ask everyone to register for each walk, and everybody is welcome. Registration is located on the website of the relevant museum.

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